Field Trip Background

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Life in a Snow Globe!

This post is a little all over the place because that's kinda how I am right now. I apologize in advance for the randomness.

This week was the first week of classes, and this is my last semester in college! What seemed like the rest of the east coast (including the deep, deep south) had classes cancelled due to snow, but noottttt my school! Not the snow covered North Carolina mountains! Nope, we had to trek to class in a foot of snow today. So this is my humble prayer: Lord, your will be done, but PLEASE let classes be cancelled tomorrow... at least my 8 AM?!!!!! If y'all could just pray this prayer with me too! :) We have had snow on the ground for 2 weeks and they're calling for another foot of accumulation over night so maybe I'll get my wish after all!!

On another note, VERIZON IS GETTING THE IPHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I. am. so. excited! I am due for an update in October. I can't wait to get rid of my BlackBerry. I have been praying for this day... hopefully I have God's good grace with the snow situation too.

Finally, this Saturday is the Miss America pageant. I'm not much of a pageant girl, but I'm not opposed to them either. Anyways, one of my sorority sisters is Miss Alabama!!! She is in my best friends chapter at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. I may be from North Carolina, but as you know I want to lay my roots in "Sweet Home Alabama" so I am pulling for Miss Ashley Davis all the way. Click the link below to vote for Ashley in the video contest!!

photo taken from

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Snow Day

I am sooo sick of the snow!!! It has been snowing for days here, and it is supposed to keep snowing until Thursday apparently. There is almost 2 feet of snow on the ground, more in some places due to drifting. Seriously, when I graduate I'm moving to a beach town on the gulf coast and never looking back! I ordered a pizza bc there was no way I was going to be able to go anywhere to grab lunch (and we don't have groceries!). My apartment complex is located on the TOP of a mountain with the town in the valley below, so I can see most of the town from my bedroom window... I'm spoiled with a gorgeous view! Well, the delivery guy called and he couldn't make it up the hill to my apartment so we had to drive to the bottom to get my pizza. Ahh, that's why I ordered DELIVERY, bc we don't want to be out driving in almost 2 feet of snow. We may make an exception though, bc me and the roommate are dying to see Country Strong ;) I've only heard great things!!!!

This is the view from my bed:

And THIS is where I wish I was:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Don't Sing at the Table

That's the title of the book I read at work today! (How great is it that I can read books while getting paid?!) Don't Sing at the Table is a darling book, by Adriana Trigiani, about life lessons she learned from her grandmothers while growing up. Through their examples, her grandmothers taught her how to be a strong, courageous, poised, la bella figura, woman, and she shares those lessons so we can learn them too! The lessons in this book are so valuable!! The ONLY thing that could make this book better is if the women in it were southern (by the way, does anyone out there know of any books like this about southern women?). Reading is my most favorite pastime so if y'all know of any great books please send 'em my way! :)

Check out the back cover of the book to see why I couldn't put it down. Cute, right?

Also, since this post is about reading I wanted to know if anyone out there has a Kindle or a Nook, and what y'all think about them? I'm not sure if I am really the type of person to read off of a screen. I love bookshelves full of books I've read, but I do see the benefit of being about to carry around literally thousands of books in your purse! So, what do y'all think??

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Temporary Home

I'm finally back home, if you can really call it that. I returned to my apartment after a 2 week Christmas visit at my mom's. The heat hadn't been on at all so my apartment was freezing but immediately my heart was warmed. I know people say that home is where your heart is, but I think home is where your STUFF is!! There's nothing quite like coming back to that place. It was extremely difficult to live out of my suitcase and Vera Bradley duffle, and sleep in a twin size bed in my little sister's room for the past 2 weeks. I'm so glad I did it, but what a wonderful feeling to sit in my own (queen size!) bed as I write this.

That also means that tomorrow is my first day back to work in two weeks... the nice thing about long breaks is that I don't mind going back to work when they're over. Check back next week to see if I still feel that way! The other thing this means is that another semester of college is about to start. My LAST semester, to be exact! I will spend this upcoming semester learning to become the teacher I want to be. I'll be applying for a student teaching position for the fall and perfecting my resume so that I can apply for teaching positions! I am so terribly scared and excited all at the same time! I have to decide what county I want to do my student teaching in, and decide where I want to apply for teaching positions and ultimately settle down and make a home for myself. My life feels so transitory right now. It is overwhelming at times, and definitely keeps me up at night but my plan is to pray pray pray and give it all to God. I'm asking for His guidance because He always knows what is best.

Time for a cup of peppermint mocha coffee, my new Tyler candle, and a Law and Order: SVU marathon... I'm home! :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, I've been wanting to get my blog up and running for a while. I've had it set up for over a year and never really used it, but I can't think of a better time than now (January 1st!) to start.

I rang in the new year last night with a few good friends and I made some new ones! It was a lot of fun and totally worth every penny spent. Everyone knows that the new year is a time for making resolutions. I feel like I always make the same ones and never stick to them so this year I'm resolving to change it up. This one should be super easy peasy to keep:

I resolve that in 2011 I will be the best version of myself, in every way possible!! I want to work on my body, my mind, and my soul. I vow to (try to) get my life in order.

So here's to the new year and the new me!