That also means that tomorrow is my first day back to work in two weeks... the nice thing about long breaks is that I don't mind going back to work when they're over. Check back next week to see if I still feel that way! The other thing this means is that another semester of college is about to start. My LAST semester, to be exact! I will spend this upcoming semester learning to become the teacher I want to be. I'll be applying for a student teaching position for the fall and perfecting my resume so that I can apply for teaching positions! I am so terribly scared and excited all at the same time! I have to decide what county I want to do my student teaching in, and decide where I want to apply for teaching positions and ultimately settle down and make a home for myself. My life feels so transitory right now. It is overwhelming at times, and definitely keeps me up at night but my plan is to pray pray pray and give it all to God. I'm asking for His guidance because He always knows what is best.
Time for a cup of peppermint mocha coffee, my new Tyler candle, and a Law and Order: SVU marathon... I'm home! :)

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